
Euphoria Prints celebrates contemporary trans, non-binary and GNC printmakers around the world, with techniques varying from lino, to intaglio, to monoprint and digital print.
The inspiration for starting Euphoria Prints was from my own practice as a printmaker and the burning question, where are all the trans printmakers? Where are they hiding? The art of print and the creation of it ties in so beautifully to transness. Taking and exploring an idea and carving and constructing it with your own hands and talents, similar to the construction of our bodies. The journey of the printing process is based in repetition and trial and error, much like the hormones we inject, swallow or massage into ourselves. Transness and printmaking will always be connected, even an extension of ourselves.

This is a 28 page full colour zine printed on 130gsm silk paper, stapled together.

100% of proceeds from this volume of Euphoria Prints will go towards Trans Mutual Aid Manchester; a grassroots mutual aid group supporting trans and non-binary people in Manchester, UK. Each copy is £5.00, if you would like to donate more, visit their Instagram and donate via PayPal if you can.

IMPORTANT: please allow 1-2 weeks for orders to be processed and shipped, if you need it shipped faster for a gift for example, please send an email to [email protected] and/or leave a note when ordering, thank you.